Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Buñuelos de Abuelita (Grandma's Fried Dough)

Maria Trinidad Suárez was born on June 3, 1917 in Matanzas, on the island of Cuba. She was one of 6 children. Trina, as she was known to her family and friends, was a beloved wife, mother, sister, friend, grandmother and great-grandmother. She had spent all her life taking care of everyone she loved. Her sole purpose in life was to make sure that her children, friends and assorted family members were happy and well fed. Trina died on January 29, 2008 in North Bergen, NJ far from her beloved Cuba but close to those people that she worked so hard to take care of. She was my mother's mom and of course, my grandmother.

In memory of my beautiful grandmother, I would like to share with everyone her famous recipe for Buñuelos, which is essentially, fried dough. My grandma would make these primarily around the Christmas holiday but she would also make them for me whenever I felt homesick. All I needed to do is tell my mom I was craving grandma's buñuelos and I would have them within a week. I love to have them in the morning with my coffee so I could dunk them. But if you want to be really adventurous try dipping them in melted chocolate!!! YUM!!! So here is my abuelita's recipe. Besitos abuelita linda. Te queremos mucho.


3 cups of all purpose flour
1/2 can of condensed milk
1/2 cup of sugar
1 tablespoon butter
3 eggs
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon baking powder
3 tablespoons anise seeds

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl until you get a dough. You can use an electric mixer if you want. Once you have the dough, place it on a board and roll it into a log about 1 inch thick. Cut 1/2 inch pieces of the dough and roll them out into strings about 6 inches long. Fold one side onto the other to create a ribbon like shape. (Think of the ribbons people wear on their chest for breast cancer, etc.) Or if you want to be different, make them into circles. Be daring, find different shapes if you want. Heat vegetable oil in a deep pan. When the heat is really hot, very carefully start putting them into the oil. They cook quickly so please stay alert. It's really easy to burn them. This I tell you from experience. My first attempt at this recipe the buñuelos came out crispy black. You don't want them crispy. You want them to be a gold brown color on both sides, so stay on top of them. When they are done, place them on a dish covered with absorbent paper towels so to remove any excess grease. Let them cool and then ENJOY! Buen aprovecho! Buon appetito!

Fugget abbout it!

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